“The Fortress” — South Greenland.
While this iceberg was actually fairly small, it was undoubtedly the most amazing ice structure I saw during my time in Greenland. I mean, look at it!! I have no idea what would cause such perfect jagged forms.

Moonrise Self-Portrait — Tasermiut Fjord, South Greenland.
This image is available in higher-resolution as a desktop background, in this blog post. This image received a “Silver Award” in the 2018 Epson International Pano Awards competition.

“Sublimination” — South Greenland.
I absolutely loved this iceberg for its subtle lines and forms, although it wasn’t as overtly spectacular as the others I have photos of here, I thought it was sublime.
For (probably unnecessary) disclosure, this is one of the few images on my site that is not representative of a real scene I saw. This photo was taken neither at sunset nor sunrise, instead on a flat cloudy day, and the color was added in Photoshop.

“Sierpinski Valley” — South Greenland.
Probably my most seen image, due to it being shown on Chromecasts and on some television sets. This is a spectacular valley, with dozens of peaks visible in all directions, that Max Rive took our group to in South Greenland. Far from accessible, it required a private boat to one end of the valley, and approximately 6 hours of off-trail hiking (one way) to reach this place, our campsite for the night. Additionally we’d hired an Inuit polar bear hunter to stay guard for the night.
I call this image “Sierpinski Valley” for two reasons. First, I don’t want to reveal the real Inuit name of the valley. That’s out of respect for Max’s efforts to find this area and take us here, and out of respect for the locals who also occasionally come through this valley, I wouldn’t want it to become “touristy”, as touristy as something that requires backpacking in Greenland could be. And second, the image reminds me of the Sierpinski Triangle, with its subdividing triangular forms.
This image also received a Silver in the 2018 Epson Panorama Awards competition.
If you want this image as a desktop background, check out this blog post.

Sentinel — Tasermiut Fjord, South Greenland.
Photographer Urs Zihlmann stands up against the backdrop of the incredible Ulamertorsuaq peak on a foggy morning.

Morning Break — South Greenland.
Taken on our last morning camping in South Greenland. As we were waiting for a boat to pick us up and bring us back to civilization, the light broke through the clouds on the fjord in the distance. This trip was such an incredible, life-changing experience for me, and this was a fantastic end.

Max's View — South Greenland.
Most likely the best view I’ve ever seen in my life. This spot was made famous (yet no more accessible) by Max Rive’s photo Somewhere Only We Know. This was my attempt to copy that image on Max’s tour, with Max standing by me, and afterwards he helped me to process the image!
Max’s original is the only photo that I can say truly changed my life. If you want to read more about why, I talk about it in the About Me section of this site.
If you want this image as a desktop background, check out this blog post.

Iceberg and a Duck — South Greenland.
One of the largest icebergs we saw in South Greenland (although the icebergs in other areas of the country are much bigger), this was truly a sight to behold. If you look very closely, near the middle of the image is a duck swimming in the water. I think it helps to give the image a bit of a sense of scale. I also love how this iceberg is textured and yet so smooth, it almost looks computer-generated.