Aspen — San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA.
Photographing forests is not something I’m good at, but I definitely got a lot of practice on this trip. I took hundreds of shots, and this might be the one I dislike the least.

Aspen in Morning Light — San Juan Mountains, Colorada, USA.

Sunset on an Eroded Mountain — Colorado.
A big credit for this image goes to Andrei Trocan, who not only invited me on this trip with him to Colorado, but knew exactly the right time to photograph this composition.

Aspenglow — San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA.
When I first arrived in Colorado for this trip, I was awestruck at the yellow aspen all around. Walking through woods like, the perfectly golden leaves would disperse the light and glow. It felt like being in a fairytale. I wanted to take one photo that captured that feeling, that gave the sense of magic of being there, and this was the best I could muster.